This is a promotional photo from Apple showcasing a young woman wearing the Apple Vision Pro, their mixed-reality headset. The woman is depicted from the shoulders up, with her face centered in the frame. She has dark skin, a natural hairstyle with curls tied up, and is wearing a crisp white shirt. The Apple Vision Pro covers her eyes and upper face. Its sleek design features a dark, reflective, curved visor and a soft inner lining. The headset's front surface displays an augmented projection of the wearer’s eyes, creating a digital effect where her gaze is visible through the visor. The image highlights the futuristic and human-focused aspects of the technology.

Apple spatial computing wishlist

Context While I’m not a VR expert by any means, my first experience was around 1995. I have owned the Meta Quest 2, and currently own the Meta Quest Pro and the Apple Vision Pro. I’ve been an Apple stan since owning my first Apple computer, an Apple IIe. I pre-ordered my Apple Vision Pro within a few minutes of Apple opening up orders online. I received my unit on day 1, and have used it almost every day since (except when traveling). My opinion of the device and the user experience is very complicated. ...