Embed Mastodon Shortcode

The Problem Embed Mastodon posts (toots) into Hugo content for context. The Solution Bryce Wray provides the code. But this didn’t look right on my PaperMod theme. So I tried something different. Put this into layouts/shortcodes/toot.html: And invoke like this: The Example Magnus Hedemark @[email protected] I haven’t been posting a lot on #Mastodon since diving into #Bluesky. One of the things I’ve been enjoying recently is getting more hands-on with #ESP32 & #ESPhome. I’m learning how to pull data from sensors and use attached displays. Also integrating with #HomeAssistant. This prototype is building up towards hacking a Big Mouth Billy Bass novelty toy. But I’d also like to build a really anachronistic digital instrument display for my vintage Harley-Davidson project motorcycle. #makers ...